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Bachelor of Computer Science (BCS) Degree Programme

Students are admitted through a special selection window by UGC and currently 50 students are admitted to follow the Bachelor of Computer Science Degree. Bachelor of Computer Science degree program (BCS) was introduced in 2010 with the aim of producing competent and employable graduates enriched with theoretical knowledge, soft skills and comprehensive training for a career in computer science and information technology.

In a period of three years, students develop skills and confidence to provide software solutions effectively and efficiently in a methodological way using latest concepts. The practical sessions conducted during the program improves their hands on experience to develop reliable and creative solutions. Individual and group projects carried out throughout the degree course allows the students to exposed to new technologies and they improve their adaptability to new rapidly changing tools and improves the soft skills required in their carrier.

Industrial training is an integral part of the degree program through which students get exposed to the software industry. Industrial training provides opportunity for the students to engage in real world projects which helps to produce IT professionals with comprehensive scientific knowledge in modern computer technology to support the economic development process of Sri Lanka and beyond.

Curriculum of Bachelor in Computer Science Degree Programme
Level One - Syllabus - BCS General Degree Program
Semester One

CSC1113 :Programming Techniques (30 lecture hrs & 45 practical hrs) (Core)

Basic Programming concepts, Simple C program structure, Keywords, Data types, Variables & operators (arithmetic, relational, assessment and conditional), I/O statements, Arrays, Passing variables, Multi-dimensional arrays, Functions, Function prototypes, Recursion, Control structures, Looping ( while, do while, for), pointers, strings, Advanced data types, structures, pointers to structures, File IO

CSC1122 :Computer Systems I (Core)

Overview of Computer Systems, Evolution of Computers, Input and Output, Storage, Expansion Cards, System Interfaces, Instruction Sets, Addressing modes, Central Processing Unit, Instruction Cycle, Assembly Language

CSC113a :Internet Services and Web Development (15 lecture hrs & 22.5 practical hrs) (Core)

Introduction to the Internet, Communication over Internet, The World Wide Web, HTML & XHTML, Cascading Style Sheets, Client Side Scripting - Java Script.

CSC1142 :System Analysis and Design (30 lecture hrs) (Core)

Introduction to Information System Environment. System Development Life Cycle. Introduction to Project management. Fact Finding Techniques. Requirements Analysis. System Modeling with Data Flow Diagrams.

CSC1153 :Laboratory Assignments (15 lecture hrs & 90 practical hrs) (Core)

Common System utilities of Linux , Advanced System utilities of Linux , Oce Applications in Windows, Ofice Applications in Linux, Word Processing using Latex, System utilities of Windows, Internet and Social Networking, Special Linux Tools, Computer Maintenance Tools, Assembling a Computer, Windows OS Installation & Applications, Linux Installation, Shell Scripting

MAT112c :Differential Equations (15 lecture hrs & 7 tutorial hrs) (Core)

-refer Course unit details under Department of Mathematics

MAT113c :Introductory Statistics (15 lecture hrs & 8 tutorial hrs) (Core)

-refer Course unit details under Department of Mathematics

Semester Two

CSC1213: :Database Management systems (30 lecture hrs & 45 practical hrs) (Core)

Introduction to DBMS, Managing databases using SQL, The Entity-Relationship Model, Data Manipulation using Relational Algebra & Relational calculus, Database Design Process, Data Views and Security, Data Normalization, File Organization : Storage Architecture, Indexing, Hashing, Transaction Processing, Introduction to Distributed Databases & Data Mining.

CSC1223 :Data Structures and algorithms (30 lecture hrs & 45 practical hrs) (Core)

Introduction to Data Structures, Stacks, Queues and Lists, Trees, Graphs, Running Time of an Algorithm, Sorting Algorithms, Searching Algorithms.

CSC1233 :Software Engineering (45 lecture hrs) (Core)

Introduction, Generic Framework Activities, Umbrella Activities, Layered Technology, CMMI, Process Assessment, Software Process Models Waterfall Model, Increment, Evolutionary, Specialized process models, SW Reuse , Uni ed Process UP work ows and work products, Predictive versus adaptive approaches to the SDLC, Existing Agile Methods, Requirement Analysis and Specification, Software Design, Principles of Design, Designing for reusability, adaptability and maintainability, design quality, Testing, Testing Methods, Test Strategies, static and dynamic testing, alpha testing, beta Testing, Acceptance Testing, Use of CASE tools in SW Development, Software Matrices, Software Maintenance/ Social and ethical Issues.

CSC1242 :Object Oriented System Development (30 lecture hrs) (Core)

Introduction to Object Oriented Paradigm. Basic Principles and Important Concepts in Object-orientation. Introduction to Unified Modeling Language (UML). Object-Oriented Systems Development with Unified Process (UP).

CSC1251 :Computer Laboratory (45 practical hrs) (Core)

15 Practical sessions on special topics in Computer Science

MAT121b :Algebra (30 lecture hrs & 15 tutorial hrs) (Core)

-refer Course unit details under Department of Mathematics

MAT122b :Calculus (30 lecture hrs & 15 tutorial hrs) (Core)

-refer Course unit details under Department of Mathematics

Level Two - Syllabus - BCS General Degree Program
Semester One

CSC2113 :Data Communication and Computer Networks (30 lecture hrs & 45 tutorial hrs) (Core)

Introduction, Data Communication, Reference Model, Local Area Network, Wide Area Network with Internetworking, Binding Protocol Address, Routing, Digital telephony, Domain Name Service, IP Telephony, Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, Introduction to Network Security, Wireless Communication, Future of Network.

CSC2123 :Object Oriented Programming (30 lecture hrs & 45 practical hrs) (Core)

Fundamental of Object-oriented design, Encapsulation, polymorphism, classes and objects, information hiding, operator overloading, inheritance, overriding, delegation; Analyze problems: determine objects that are necessary to model the system, determine what attributes the objects need to have, determine what behaviors the objects need to exhibit, develop conceptual models, Modeling with UML, generate designs from the models, and implement the models.

CSC2133 :Operating Systems (30 lecture hrs & 45 practical hrs) (Core)

Operating-System Structures, Processes, Threads, CPU Scheduling, Process Synchronization, Deadlocks, Memory Management (Contiguous Allocation, Paging, segmentation, Virtual Memory), File System Implementation (Access Methods, Protection, Disk structure, Scheduling, Management and reliability), I/O Systems, Mass-Storage Systems, Security (Goals, Principles, Access Matrix, Threads)

CSC2143 :Computer Graphics and Image Processing (30 lecture hrs & 45 practical hrs) (Core)

Introduction, Applications, , Graphics terminologies, Graphics I/O devices, Scan conversion : Scan converting lines, Line Drawing Algorithms, Scan converting circles, Mid Point Circle Algorithm, Scan Line Polygon filling Algorithm, Boundary & Flood Fill Algorithm, 2D Transformation Geometric Transformations, Coordinate Transformations, Composite Transformations, Homogeneous Coordinates, 2D Viewing & Clipping Window-to-viewport Mapping , point clipping, Line clipping, Introduction to Digital Image Processing, examples of image processing; Brief review of 2D linear system theory, probability and random variables, Color fundamentals, color models; Image Enhancement: Gray-level transform, histogram processing, arithmetic/logic operation, Spatial filtering, 2D Fourier transform, Frequency domain smoothing, sharpening, Image degradation model, Noise models, restoration using spatial filtering with noise only degradation, Morphological image processing, point, line and edge detection

AMT212b :Computational Mathematics (30 lecture hrs & 15 tutorial hrs) (Core)

-refer Course unit details under Department of Mathematics

MAT211b :Linear Algebra I (30 lecture hrs & 15 tutorial hrs) (Core)

-refer Course unit details under Department of Mathematics

PHY2112 :Electronics (30 lecture hrs) (Core)

-refer Course unit details under Department of Physics

Semester Two

CSC2213 :Rapid Application Development (30 lecture hrs & 45 practical hrs) (Core)

Introduction to Rapid Application Development (RAD), Core issues in RAD, Estimation, Scheduling Teamwork, Best practices in RAD, Introduction to Software Design with Patterns, Gang of four Catalog Creational Design Patterns, Structural Design Patterns, Behavioral Design Patterns, Content Management Systems (CMS)

CSC2222 :Computer System II (30 lecture hrs) (Core)

A top-level view of computer function and interconnection, Cache memory, Internal memory and External memory technology, Operating system support, Computer Arithmetic, Instruction sets, Processor structure and Functions, RISC Architecture, Parallel Processing, Multicore computers

CSC2233 :Internet Programming (30 lecture hrs & 45 practical hrs) (Core)

Introduction, Server side scripting introduction, variables, control structures, operations, Arrays: 1D, 2D, Indexed, Associative, PHP Functions, String Manipulation, Forms and Databases, Sessions and Cookies, Web Designing Process, XML, AJAX and JQuery, Object Oriented Programming in PHP

CSC2242 :Advanced Database Management (30 lecture hrs) (Core)

File Structures, Index, Query Processing and Optimization, Batch Processing, Physical Database Design and Tuning, Data Security Transaction Management, Object Databases, Object-Relational Mapping, XML Databases, Emerging Technologies

CSC2252 :Project Management (30 lecture hrs) (Core)

Introduction to Project Management, Project Management Process for a Project, Project Scope management, Project Time management, Project Cost management ,Project Quality management, Project Communication management, Project Risk management, Group Assignment Evaluation, Project HR management, Project Procurement management, Project Integration management

CSC2263 :Multimedia and Video Production (30 lecture hrs & 45 practical hrs) (Optional)

Multimedia Basics, Key Multimedia Elements, Images, Video, Audio, Animation, Multimedia Databases and Retrieval, Multimedia Authoring, Multimedia Compression Techniques and Standards.

CSC2272 :Data and Network Security (30 lecture hrs) (Optional)

This course provides comprehensive knowledge in security requirements and cryptographic solutions in computer applications & networks.

FSC2241 :Physical Fitness and Health management (Optional)

refer Course unit details under FSC course units.

MAT225 :Mathematical Statistics I (Core)

-refer course unit details under Department of Mathematics

Level Three - Syllabus - BCS General Degree Program
Semester One

CSC3113 :Group Projects (120 practical hrs) (Core)

The objective of this course is to design and implement a system using programming and other skills acquired. The students will carry out group project and submit a dissertation. The students will also make a presentation of the project and face for a viva.

CSC3122 :e-Commerce and Professional Practice (30 lecture hrs) (Optional)

Introduction to E-Commerce and E-Business. E-Commerce Business Models. Business Strategies. Business and IT Alignment. Value-Oriented E-Business Modeling. Building e-Commerce Systems. Ethical Issues.

CSC3132 :Data Warehousing and Data mining (30 lecture hrs) (Optional)

Concept of data mining, classification, clustering, concept of data warehousing with special emphasis on architecture and design.

CSC3133 :Network and System Administration (30 lecture hrs & 45 practical hrs) (Optional)

Overview of Linux System, Linux shell commands and environment, Basic Unix shell programming, Disks and Other storage media, Overview of the directory tree, Booting and shutting down, Rootly power, Essential tasks of the system administrator, User Account Management, File Protection, Managing Packages, X windows system, Backup and Restore, Performance Analysis, Setting up printer server, Monitoring and Managing Networks, Setting up File Servers, Electronic Mail system.

CSC3142 :Internet Services and Protocols (30 lecture hrs & 45 practical hrs) (Optional)

Introduction, the Internet, Internet protocols and Application services, Transport Protocols (TCP, UDP), Client Server computing, Packet and Protocol level Analysis, Email Service, SMTP, POP3, IMAP protocols, Email server and User Agent Configuration, World Wide Web, HTTP protocol and Web Server Configuration, Web caching, Proxy Servers and Cookies, Load Balancing and Proxy Server Configuration, Telnet, SSH and File Transfer Protocol, FTP server configuration, Voice over IP communication VOIP server configuration, Domain Name Service, DNS configuration, Server Performance and Tuning

CSC3152 :Geographic Information Systems (15 lecture hrs & 45 practical hrs) (Optional)

Introduction to GIS, GIS Data, Data Quality Issues, Basic GIS Operations, Spatial Modeling and Analysis, GIS Modeling, GIS Organization and Management, GIS Applications

CSC3162 :Research Methods (30 lecture hrs) (Optional)

This course aims to teach the fundamentals of Scientific Writing.

CSC3172 :Distributed Systems (30 lecture hrs) (Optional)

Introduction, Communication and Syn-chronization in distributed systems, Processes and processors in Distributed systems, Distributed file systems, Distributed shared memory(DSM), Peer-Peer systems, security, Distributed systems in Practice, Cloud computing

FSC3112 :Management (30 lecture hrs) (Optional)

-refer course unit details uner FSC course units.

FSC3122 :Accounting (30 lecture hrs) (Optional)

-refer course unit details uner FSC course units.

MAT313b :Mathematical Statistics II (30 lecture hrs & 15 tutorial hrs) (Optional)

-refer course unit details under Department of Mathematics

Semester Two

CSC3216 :Industrial Training(3 months) (Core)

This training helps the students to get experience on issues related to industry. At the end of the training, the students should make a presentation of their findings and submit a report.