Safe laboratory practices, basic laboratory techniques; Qualitative semi-micro
analysis of inorganic samples/inorganic mixtures for basic cations and anions acid base titra-
tions, permanganometry, iodometry, dichrsomate titrations.
Practical Organic Chemistry: Qualitative analysis; Elemental analysis, Functional groups
analysis, Preparation of derivatives and recrystallization, Determination physical constants,
Identification and separation of binary organic mixtures.
Evaluation methods: Continuous Assessment : 30% , Semester End Examina-
tion : 70%
General Chemistry and Basic Concepts in Analytical Chemistry
General Chemistry: atomic structure and subatomic particles, atomic properties, nuclear
stability and nuclear reactions, chemical bonding, VSEPR theory and molecular orbital theory.
Analytical chemistry: significant figures, statistical analysis of chemical data, solubility
and solubility product, gravimetry, titrimetry (acid/base, redox, complexometric and pre-
Evaluation methods: Continuous Assessment : 30% , Semester End Examina-
tion : 70%
IUPAC nomenclature of organic compounds, stereoisomerism conformational analysis,
reactive intermediates, reactions of aliphatic compounds, aromaticity and reactions of aro-matic compounds.
Evaluation methods: Continuous Assessment : 30% , Semester End Examina-
tion : 70%
Chemistry of s and p block ele-
ments; Oxides, Sulphates, Nitrates, Carbonates, Allotropes, Three-centred bonding, Sili-
cones, Chemistry of transition elements: General properties, oxidation states, Colour, Mag-
netic properties, chemistry of some selected transition elements, extraction, reactions and
applications, Coordination Chemistry: Isomerism, Classification of ligands and coordina-
tion number, IUPAC nomenclature, Chelate effect, Valence Bond Theory and Crystal Field
Theory, Jahn-Teller effect.
Evaluation methods: Continuous Assessment : 30% , Semester End Exami-
nation :70%
State of matter: Macroscopic and microscopic approach to physical chemistry; Perfect gases; Kinetic molecular theory of gases, collision
frequency, Real gases and non-ideal behavior. Raoults law and ideal mixtures. Chemical
Thermodynamics and colligative properties: thermodynamics and path properties ,first law
of thermodynamics,Carnot cycle,second law of thermodynamics,statistical basis of entropy,
free energy functions.Chemical Kinetics: rate and rate law of reactions, differential and inte-
grated rate laws, half-life of reactions,simple collision theory of gas phase reactions, factors
affecting the rate of reactions,reaction coordinates and activation energy, Arrhenius equation, reaction mechanism and steady state approximation, theory of unimolecular reactions.
Evaluation methods: Continuous Assessment : 30% , Semester End Examination :70%
Organic Synthesis;
Retro-synthetic Analysis, Synthesis of Organic Compounds. Introductory Natural Product Chemistry; Chemistry of Alkaloids, Terpenoids and Steroids, Extraction and Phyto-chemical screening of Natural Products. UV-Vis, Infrared, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
( 1H, 13C, 31P, 19F) and Mass Spectroscopy; Interpretation of the Spectra of Organic Compounds, Electron Spin Resonance.
Evaluation methods: Continuous Assessment : 30% , Semester End Examina-
tion :70%
Failure of classical physics
and emergence of quantum mechanics for microscopic systems; Quantization and zero-point
energy; Exact solutions and particle in a zero potential box.
Surface Chemistry: Surface phenomena and dierent surfaces and interfaces, thermodynamics of surfaces and properties of colloids.
Molecular Spectroscopy Electromagnetic radiation, dierent components in molecular
spectroscopy of diatomic molecules, vibrational spectra of polyatomic molecules and Raman
Photochemistry: Principles of Photochemistry, Singlet states and triplet states, Franck-
Condon Principle, Jablonski diagrams, photochemical reactions and photosensitization.
Evaluation methods: Continuous Assessment : 30% , Semester End Examination :70%
Laboratory techniques;
use of analytical balance for accurate measurements, preparation of standard solutions,
EDTA titrations, direct titrations, back titration, use of masking and demasking agents,
metal ion indicators, synthesis and analysis of transition metal complexes, gravimetric de-
terminations Organic synthesis, Thin Layer and Paper Chrsomatography, Distillation Meth-
ods, Sublimation, Extraction of Natural products.
Evaluation methods: Continuous Assessment : 30% , Semester End Examina-
tion :70%
Chemistry of lanthanides and actinides;. Organometallic Chemistry; classiffication, 18-electron rule, bonding and basic chemistry of metal carbonyls, alkenes and cyclopentadienyl complexes. Inorganic Reaction Mechanisms; ligand substitution reactions in octahedral and square planar complexes, trans effect.
Molecular symmetry and Point groups; symmetry elements and operations, determination
of point groups. Electronic Spectra of Transition Metal Complexes; Russel Saunders couplings, Interpretation of electronic spectra of simple coordination complexes.
Evaluation methods: Continuous Assessment : 30% , Semester End Examination :70%
Electrolyte solutions; activities of
ions in solution and signifficance of the mean ionic activity coefficient. Redox reactions and
standard reduction potential; Conductometry, strong and weak electrolytes and ionic mobil-
ity. Phases, components, degrees of freedom and the phase rule; Cooling curves, one, two,
and three component systems and lever rule, solubility of components; distillation of mix-
Analytical Chemistry: Instrumental Analysis; Atomic absorption spectroscopy,
Flame Photometry and Colorimetry. Solvent Extraction, Chromatography, A brief Intro-
duction to Electroanlytical techniques.
Evaluation methods: Continuous Assessment : 30% , Semester End Examina-
tion :70%
Experiments in Chem-ical Kinetics, Thermodynamics, Spectrophotometry, Surface Chemistry and Electrochemistry, and viscometry. Interpretation of 1H NMR, 13C NMR, MS, FTIR and UV spectra
of simple organic compounds.
Evaluation Method: In course Assessment in Physical Chemistry: 20%, Semester
End Examination in Spectroscopy : 30%, Semester End Examination in Practi-
cal Physical Chemistry : 50%
Theoretical interpretation of industrial process.
Quality Management; Food Chemistry and Technology; Chemistry related to food harvesting, storing, packaging, spoilage, deterioration, processing and preservation; dairy industry.
Practical(s): Case studies in industrial concepts, Food technology and analysis.
Evaluation methods: Mid Semester Theory Examination : 20%, Semester End
Theory Examination : 50% , Semester end Practical Assessment : 30%
Sampling methods, Chemometrics, Instrument per-
formance characteristics. Atomic absorption, emission and inductively coupled plasma spec-
troscopy, Fluorescence spectroscopy. Electroanalytical Chemistry, Potentiometric methods,
Electrogravimetric methods, Coulometry, Voltammetry.
Practical: Electroanalytical tech-
Evaluation methods: Mid Semester Theory Examination : 20%, Semester End
Theory Examination : 50% , Semester end Practical Assessment : 30%
Amino acids, Peptides and proteins, Carbohydrates, Lipids,
Nucleotides and Nucleic acids, Enzymes, Coenzymes. Enzyme kinetics and inhibition,
Bioinorganic chemistry; structure and function of proteins.
Isolation, puriffication, quantitative and qualitative identification of biomolecules, Identify reducing sugars,
polysaccharides, lipids, amino acids and proteins using diagnostic reagents.
Evaluation methods: Mid Semester Theory Examination : 20%, Semester End
Theory Examination : 50% , Semester end Practical Assessment : 30%
Atmospheric, aquatic and soil chemistry, water quality parameters, treatment of water to produce potable water. Treatment methods
for industrial waste, case studies, air quality analysis, industrial pollution, agrochemicals,
clinical waste, e-waste, nuclear waste, air pollution, soil analysis, solid waste treatment and
practical related to above.
Evaluation methods: Mid Semester Theory Examination : 20%, Semester End
Theory Examination : 50% , Semester end Practical Assessment : 30%
Industrial Polymers, and polymer structures, mechanisms and kinetics of polymerization; molecular weight distributions; methodologies of polymer synthesis; physical and mechanical properties of polymers, Chemistry of
Rubber & Related Industries, Chemistry and technology of Wood Adhesives. Practical:
Synthesis of polymers and adhesives; testing of viscosity, mechanical and non-mechanical
Evaluation methods: Mid Semester Theory Examination : 20%, Semester End
Theory Examination : 50% , Semester end Practical Assessment : 30%
Drug categories, , main process of drug in
the body; administration, absorption, transportation, action and metabolism. Prodrugs,
drug specificity, Bioassay methods and natural product based leading compounds, inorganic
pharmaceuticals and drug storage and drug deterioration. Drug safety, quality assurance,
standardization related herbal drugs, selected topics of drugs. Laboratory course on analysis
of drugs preparation of electrolytes, purification methods of drugs and test for purity, drug synthesis and preparation of drug monograph.
Evaluation methods: Mid Semester Theory Examination : 20%, Semester End
Theory Examination : 50% , Semester end Practical Assessment : 30%
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Site Last Updated: 18 Jan 2024 10:11:37