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The Department of Botany conducts courses in all major fields of Botany for undergraduate students registered for B.Sc. General Degree and B.Sc. Special Degree programmes. In addition to this, research facilities are offered to those students seeking postgraduate qualifications such as M. Sc., M.Phil. and Ph.D. Degrees in Botany and related fields. The Department has the following infrastructure facilities: two large elementary laboratories to cater up to 130 undergraduate students, two well equipped research laboratories, one taxonomy laboratory with the Departmental herbarium, one well equipped molecular biology laboratory, two green houses, one lecture theater, a seminar room and tissue culture lab.


Prof. K. A. Sunanda. Kodikara-Arachchi

B.Sc (Hons.) specialized in Botany,(RUHUNA,SL)
M. Sc (Ecological Marine Management), Vrije Universiteit, Brussels, Belgium
Ph.D, Vrije Universiteit, Brussels, Belgium
Stress plant Physiology and Biochemistry

Telephone - 0412514400